Around 6 hours until the eviction. How many houseguests do you think will not vote? I'm gonna say at least 2
6 have voted [Ika, Craig, Rachelle, Christine, Drew, Sheila] 1 hasn't been on since the veto ceremony but will vote [Ivette] 5 have been online but didn't vote [Ash, Chris, Harry, Monet, Dan]
I really hope that Hayden stays but if he's not even campaigning I'm confused! What is with half this cast, they need to be poked with a cattle prod or something! Not participating in things like votes and competitions is the lamest thing ever and a slap in the face to the hosts. If it happens a few times then okay but this is happening way too much with way too many people. Let's watch Big Brother not Big Wastes Of Space!
I know, right? Like I get this isn't traditional Big Brother right now, but you still gotsa totally be active if you want people to want to work with you. I hope they pick it up!