yeah but legit I'm being told that I'm up shit creek if I dont win HoH (Or Rachelle).
Rachelle wants to wait until AFTER HoH before rallying the troops and frankly I think that it's an insane idea. Why wait until we almost get voted out?
Still debating whether I should just go off and tell people that Drew/Christine are playing everyone or biting my tongue until HoH, where Rachelle claims she has gone 12 hours in some challenges.
Turns out biding our time was for the best, but only because Rachelle had to play BALLS TO THE WALL on this endurance!
I'm going to try to be the confrontational mediator in the coming rounds. Lowering my name is exactly what I need. I know I was nearly nominated, I"m not stupid. I'm going to tell them plainly look, you were going to oust me if ANYONE else had HoH, so check yourself. I'm hurt, but I'm playing a game too.
I mostly just don't want to be nominated in the coming rounds. Rachelle's target is growing and I think I can bide my time well as long as I keep a calm face!