Wow, what an amazing season it has been. Such a roller coaster of events happening.
So Ika just won the final HOH. My first thought: "Okay I'm fucked, but I can still try." I send this long message to Ika telling her about how she would never win against Rachelle because of how much of a threat she has gone through and how she is basically the Derrick of this season. Ika replies with a cookie cutter reply like "well I have to think long and hard."
I still say to myself: "welp im 3rd place"
But then Ika says: "Question: did you and Rachelle have a final 2?"
Time to lay the cards on the table.
I tell her all about the Danelle alliance and how we tried to control votes and how she would manipulate people to get her way for the Danelle alliance. We were a F2 from the beginning and rode all the way to the end.
She is shocked and tells me that Her and Rachelle had a F2 alliance for awhile but that she needed to keep it secret. Then, I tell Ika about Rachelle was planning on backdooring Ika before Craig decided to evict himself
Now she is pissed at Rachelle and is unsure of what she will do.
Now, I tell myself: "I'm unfucked. I have a chance"
We will see what happens, but I'm going to send Ika some screenshots to prove to her that Rachelle is not honest and WILL beat her in the final 2. It would be another "Cody picking Derrick over Victoria" situation.