So, Still not much going on my part except for a few things.
Craig and I have been talking quite a bit since his HOH win and we have decided to make a final 2 with each other. We are super cool with each other and we talk about everything. It's awesome! We both agreed to keep this secret, so i hope it stays that way.
The Rachelle and Dan relationship is now called "Danelle"! We have decided to start working together for as long as we possibly could, and hopefully until final 2. I'm excited to work with her, I just hope she doesn't pull a fast one on me or something.
Ivette and I are still pretty close I suppose, not alot of gametalk though.
Drew and I don't talk that much, but we talk just enough to where I think HE thinks that we are cool (which we are). His nominations are exactly how I would expect them to be, but I'm ready for a shake-up in the game.