Welcome to the fifth Head of Household competition. It's time to show us how bad you want to make it to the jury... tonight's competition is a classic called "Levels". Yes, it's time for some endurance!
This competition will take place in your Diary Room on your own time. To start, make a thread called "HOH #5”. There will be 5 levels.
1st level - every 10 minutes for the first hour 2nd level - every 5 minutes for the second hour 3rd level - every 3 minutes for the third hour 4th level - every 1 minute for the fourth hour 5th level - every 1 minute but you must post twice for the rest of your time
You must post:
"[Houseguest] balances # level"
# = 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Ash as outgoing HOH, you are not eligible to compete in this competition. Chris and Ika won't be competing either due to not voting [in the 24 hour timeframe].
You have 36 hours to start this competition. So the deadline to start is: Tuesday 3:30 AM EST Also to note: in previous seasons we would let people know when to stop if they are winning but we have decided not to do that this season
just to answer a question i've gotten more than once, you may not edit your posts. just make another post. if its past the time, then it's over. anything after will not count. also, dont delete early posts. just post again.